Friday, February 23, 2018


The events in Florida this week have caused me to reflect more than usual on our profession.  As we enter into a very exciting yet busy time, it is important that we keep focused on what is truly important.  There will certainly be times within the remainder of the school year that we all will feel drained, exhausted, and out of fuel.  I love the attached picture because it reminds me that if we truly believe in our cause then that alone should be enough for us to fuel our journey.

We should all remember that our true cause is to instill the skills into our students so that they can have whatever future they so desire.  Like any job, there will be tons of things that clutter our view of our end goal such as discipline, STAAR Testing, paperwork, directives from a stupid principal, etc.  By taking care of those things that can obstruct our view of the finish line, we can then have a clear vision and a clear path to do what we were truly called to do...Love our students like they are our own children.  Keep your eye on the noble end and help each other fuel up for the journey ahead during the few final months.