Sunday, June 28, 2015


I don’t claim to be the smartest person in the room.    However, due to the recent string of events involving hurricanes I do believe I have a better plan.  It seems to me that FEMA is having a problem convincing people to evacuate a potential danger area.  This undoubtedly leads to many deaths.  Now granted, while most of these people that refuse to evacuate are not the brightest people in the world , we should still be concerned with their well being. 
It seems to me that the problem lies mostly in the naming of the Hurricanes themselves.  I mean who is afraid of these type of names.  When was the last time you got beat up by someone named Katrina?  Ever met a bouncer named Rita?  And unless your Tina Turner your probably not afraid of anyone named  Ike.  If FEMA is going to convince people to leave then they need to look at doing a better job of naming hurricanes.  Yep, if I was in charge of FEMA I would implement the following Hurricane list effective immediately!!!!
A-Attila the Hun,  B-Bringer of Pain,  C-Crusher, D-Destroyer of hope,     
E-Evil Doer,  F-Flattener of Trailer Parks,  G-God’s Storm of Doom
H-Hater of life,  I-Intimadator,  J-Jesus is coming and he is not happy,
K-Killer of cats and bunnies, L-Lucifer, M-Mr. Destruction, N-Nuclear Bomb
O-Oscar the Grouch,  P-Purifier, Q-Quiet Riot, R-Revenge, S-Satan,
T-Travesty, U-Undertaker, V-Violent, W-Widow Maker, X-X Treme,
Y-Your all gonna die, Z-Zeus God of Thunder and Floods
That ought to get those people moving!!!

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